
iMedPub is one of the world's leading STM publishers. We combine the influence and benefis of a major global publisher with the flexible service and attention your publication deserves.

Working together with iMedPub we can:

  • Make your publication a leading title in the field
  • Develop online features and functionality to ensure readers engage with your journal
  • Provide estrategic editorial development and support whilst adhering to your editorial policies
  • Gain maximum exposure for your titles
  • Provide excellent customer service to you, your authors, board members and readers
  • Use our creative in-house marketing functions to provide creative marketing strategies and digital campaigns that increase readership, online usage and sales
  • Establish and grow your presence across social media channels
  • Increase your public publication's exposure through our excellent media relations team.

A good example is The International Arabic Journal of Antimicrobial Agents published by iMedPub for The Arab Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antimicrobials, Cairo, Egypt.

To learn more about why iMedPub could be your publishing partner contact us at

Today, we´d like to invite you to become a Guest Editor leading a Special Issue on a research topic of your interest. It can be published in any of our journals; we can choose that where the special thematic issue fits better.

Being editor of a special thematic issue contributes to enhance the prestigious of a researcher and provides a wide international visibility as an expert on the topic.

Your role as Guest Editor would be handling the special issue: this includes making call for papers, managing peer-review and decide which manuscripts are accepted and rejected. You can also contribute as an author. We will provide support for all tasks.

Guest Editors of thematic issues will receive a free online subscription to (the online medical library) for one year and will enjoy waive of charges for up to 2 articles published in their thematic issue (1 waiver for every 5 articles coming from other authors). All other authors contributed to special issue are subjected to current article processing charges.

All submitted manuscripts will be peer reviewed prior to a possible decision on acceptance for publication. If your special issue get 6 or more articles we will also publish it as a Book, and your name would be displayed as book editor.

We eagerly look forward to receiving your positive response in this regard. You can contact us at

iMedPub is a publisher of peer-reviewed, hybrid journals covering a wide range of biomedical disciplines. iMedPub aims to develop highest quality knowledge-based products and service for the academic, professional, research and scientific communities worldwide. We welcome new journal proposals throughout the year in any fields of biomedical sciences. Moreover, you are welcome to apply for Editor-in-Chief position for new journals you propose (read more at our blog The Headhunter).

Duties of Editor-in-Chief (EiC)

  • Be able to publish at least 4 issues in a year (Quarterly publication)
  • First issue is expected to be published within 3 months after becoming EiC
  • Each issue should include 4 or more research papers
  • Determine and refine scopes and topics for the journal
  • Collect and attract high quality papers to maintain quality standard
  • Call for papers from colleagues, academic and professional connections to secure timely publication of journal issues
  • Recruit editors to ensure timely review of submitted research papers
  • Actively promote the journal to colleagues and associates

Benefits of EiC

  • Boost your CV with the experience of being EiC of a leading journal in your field.
  • Enjoy a hybrid journal. The journals we publish follow an hybrid model, which allows authors to choose between publishing open access or under subscription. Open access model allows disseminating scholarly articles by removing the access barriers imposed by the subscription model, in order to make the full-text of all published articles freely available for any interested reader. In this model the publication costs of an article are covered in the form of Article Processing Charges (300€), which are publication fees paid from the research budget of accepted authors. In this model authors retain the copyright of their work, and we make every possible effort to ensure that the full-text of every published article is both visible and accessible to all potential readers.
  • Manuscripts submitted by the EiC are free of charges and manuscripts submitted by other members of the Editorial Board of iMedPub journals will automatically receive a 50% reduction in their Article Processing Charges.
  • Earn incomes: EIC receive 60€ for every article published open access in the journal.

Proposals for New Journals
Proposals for new (existing) journals should include the following items:
(options marked with * are essential, others can be proposed later on)

  • Journal title*
  • Specific aim & scopes*
  • Proposed editorial board
  • Journal audience
  • Expected date for the first issue*
  • Promotion and managing plan as an Editor-in-Chief*


Single authors or groups of researchers working on a project and wishing to publish their findings in an independent publication organized and managed by themselves, can do so by proposing a collaboration with iMedPub. At the same time as offering complete freedom over the content covered, we contribute our publishing expertise and full support to the publishing process thanks to a dedicated and professional team.

With iMedPub you can publish your medical book easily. We´ll review, copyedit and sell your book. We share benefits with authors 50%.
If you are working on or planning a research project and you wish to publish your findings, we invite you to publish your work with us. You can choose to publish your work as:

  •  A single-author monograph - a specialized scientific book written by one main author
  •  A multiple-author monograph - a scientific book written by more than one author
  •  An edited book - a research book in which each chapter is written by different contributors and edited by an expert scholar
  •  Conference proceedings - a collection of selected academic papers that are presented in the context of an academic conference.

You can view here the Guidelines for authors.

To start a publishing project with iMedPub, please fill in this Publishing Proposal Form and return it by email to The purpose of this form is to provide us with a general idea of your publishing proposal and present it to our Editorial Board for their consideration and approval. A decision will be sent within 3-5 days of receipt.

We would like to invite you to consider publishing a new book us in Open Access model. In this model, the book is available online to all interested readers, who do not have to pay for accessing its contents. Open access brings a wider audience and broader readership. It can also help promote printed copies of the work.

Here are a few reasons why you should consider iMedPub as your publisher:

  • ISBN assignment
  • fair and comprehensive peer-review of submitted proposals and manuscripts
  • English language copy-editing by native English speaking specialists in the field (we accept also manuscripts in Spanish)
  • professional composition of the manuscript in PDF format
  • hosting the book on different platforms, with many functionalities, e.g. active links in references
  • printed copies sold to libraries and individuals, by iMedPub and distributors (e.g. Amazon, Google Books)
  • royalties for the author from print copies
  • indexing by Google Scholar and similar services.
  • e-book delivery to libraries and full-text repositories (e.g. Google Book Search)
  • Creative Commons copyright license

As a rule, open access books are published in so-called author-pays model, which means that the author (or rather his or her affiliate institution or another sponsor) of the book manuscript accepted for publication pays a Book Processing Charge, which covers the production and marketing costs. This year we have a special promotion, charging 1€/page plus 2€/figure only.

If you prefer self-publishing your book, taking care of copyediting tasks, we are happy to publish your book (with ISBN and full distribution) at no cost.

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